COVID-19 Guidance
The FA has updated guidance for Grassroots football. You can download PDFs from the FA here or read the Potton United Youth Risk assessment on restarting football below.
Potton United Youth Risk assessment on restarting football
Below is guidance for coaching staff, parents and players:
Parent of new players to sign consent form for their child to attend a training/matches.
Parents to notify coach of any changes to contact/medical details on consent/registration form.
Parent to assess player & themselves for COVID-19 symptoms, before every training session or matches, ie. temperature check etc. If they are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual COVID-19 infection, they must not attend. Self-isolate, as advised by Government and inform the coach.
Parents & players should follow best practice for travel to training/matches. People from same household or support bubble only, to travel together.
Parents/players should ensure that their hands are cleaned before arrival at training/match and cleaned/sanitised as soon as possible after training/match.
Parent/player to bring own water bottle, hand sanitiser, sun cream, medication. Labelled & not shared.
Teams to keep a record of attendees at a match or training session, including contact details, to support NHS Test and Trace.
Parents to ensure that their attendance at training/matches is noted on attendance sheet.
Given age of players then parents should stay for duration of training/match. So that a player’s minor injury (small cuts, bruises etc.) can be dealt with by their own parent/guardian or adult from support bubble, who can use the first aid bag provided at the session, if required. Coach to attend at a distance.
The coach will decide if they can administer first aid, for minor injuries, but MUST use PPE.
The coach will administer emergency first aid, in the unlikely event that a player injury is life threatening or puts player at serious risk of harm.
Parents should remain at training/matches, in specified area. Parents can form a group, up to a maximum of 6 people, while maintaining social distancing, away from training area & pitch at matches.
Parents to maintain social distancing from players/children from different families/support bubbles.
Parent/guardian should ensure they do NOT touch footballs or equipment with their hands.
Players to have their own specific marked area for getting changed, leaving water bottle, kit etc.
Coaches to have their own specific marked area for leaving kit, water bottles etc.
Coaches only to setup and collect/tidy away equipment.
Coaches only to sanitise training equipment & footballs, before & after each training session.
Coaches only to sanitise footballs & goal posts, during team breaks & before/after matches.
Coaches to ensure players sanitise hands during match team breaks. (eg. half time etc.)
Coaches to give encouragement, to limit persistent close proximity of players during training/matches, eg. goal celebrations, team talks etc.
Ball handling should be kept to a minimum with most contact via a boot, at training. Coaches should ensure that players limit the touching of equipment with their hands, wherever possible.
NO HEADING of footballs during training, unless under coach instructions.
NO FOOD or SWEETS to be eaten or shared at training/matches.
Equipment MUST NOT be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in training or matches and thoroughly afterwards.
Social distancing to be in place before and after the training/matches, and in any breaks in play.
Clubs and facility providers should ensure that their facility is compliant with current Government legislation and guidance related to COVID-19.
All coaches to have First Aid equipment, sanitiser, disinfectant, gloves & masks at training/matches.
Training session to have a minimum of two adults present who have a DBS Certificate.
Coach to have player registration form, parent contacts & medical condition details at training/matches.
Use of toilets to be controlled, and access one person at a time (parent can accompany player). Persons to clean hands before entry & on exit from building.